Claude Monet Impression Sunrise for Appreciate

Claude monet impression sunrise

In 1872, monet created the “impression, sunrise” mark on the world in the future. The painting depicts the sight of the sunrise in the morning mist at le o port watching from a distance.

This picture this is not the most typical in monet paintings, however, because of a man named le the critics, on April 25 in the journal of fracas, published articles titled “impressionist exhibition”, then the painting gained reputation. In this paper, sarcasmed the many works in exhibition, in view of the “impression, sunrise” monet, he wrote “paste wall paper is more complete than the sea”.

In this paper, the author described the exhibition jokingly called “impressionist exhibition”. Combined with monet himself once described “Things I had painted are just the impression” the view, and this group of young artists, headed by he really pay attention to capture the first impression of subjects, although these artists have to not agree with this idea, but the the title of impressionism is spread. So that the third exhibition in 1877, and it is used as the exhibition title altogether.

Leonardo Da Vinci Mona Lisa Painting’s Secret


The Mona Lisa is a half-length portrait of a woman by the famous italian artist Leonardo da Vinci, which has been acclaimed as “the best known, the most visited, the most written about, the most sung about, the most parodied work of art in the world.

An american painter cracked the Mona Lisa’s secret hidden in the painting for 500 years. He found that in the background of the Mona Lisa’s head has three animals in the wandering, lions, monkeys and buffalo. He also found that the Mona Lisa’s on the left side of body has a animal like crocodile or a snake.

The painter named Ron. Ron noticed the buffalo image by accident  in the process of  flip the Mona Lisa . During the next two months, he is studying the log of  leonardo Da Vinci, finally come to the conclusion that hidden animal images. Ron said, this painting represents the envy, is one of the seven deadly sins.

Ron said, “on behalf of the Mona Lisa is actually a jealous. That is surprising, because everyone thought nothing leave the Mona Lisa by leonardo Da Vinci, but now it seems that he apparently left a clue.”

Ron also explained the Mona Lisa’s right hand is not the natural bent. He said: “it reflected her contempt, means that she can use his power against god.”

The design of Mona Lisa’s eyes and nose’s shadow is like a palm tree, for this Ron said: “the painter use palm branches and the olive branch to hurt her eyes, use laurel and cherry tree to hurt her ears, for Mona Lisa, victory and truth are disgusting.”

Ron said, He also found similar hidden images in the paintings by famous artist titian, Raphael and Michelangelo, and other masters of the Renaissance.